Wiberg V, Wallin E, Fälldin A, Semberg T, Rossander M, Wadbro E, and Servin M. Sim-to-real transfer of active suspension control using deep reinforcement learning. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 104731, doi.org/10.1016/j.robot.2024.104731 (2024). [pdf] [videos]
Aoshima K, Fälldin A, Wadbro E, and Servin M. World modeling for autonomous wheel loaders. Automation. 5(3):259-281 (2024). doi.org/10.3390/automation5030016 [pdf] [videos]
Johansson M, Lundbäck M, and Lindroos O. Trade-offs between stump-to-roadside lead time and harvesting cost, when using different number of operators in a harvester-forwarder system. European Journal of Forest Research (2024). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10342-024-01713-w
Wallin E, Wiberg V, and Servin M. Multi-log grasping using reinforcement learning and virtual visual servoing. Robotics 13(1):3, (2024). doi:10.3390/robotics13010003 [pdf] [videos]
Aoshima K and Servin M.
Examining the simulation-to-reality gap of a wheel loader digging in deformable terrain. Multibody System Dynamics (2024). doi.org/ 10.1007/s11044-024-10005-5 [pdf] [videos]
Lundbäck M, Lindroos O, and Servin M.
Rubber-Tracked Forwarders—Productivity and Cost Efficiency Potentials. Forests 2024, 15, 284. https://doi.org/10.3390/f15020284 [pdf]
Fälldin A, Wallin E, Löfstedt T, and Servin M. Synthesizing multi-log grasp poses. arxiv:2403.11623 (2024).
[pdf] [videos]
Pogilus M and Servin M. Adaptive particle refinement in terramechanical DEM simulation. ISTVS 2024, 21st International and 12th Asia-Pacific Regional Conference of the ISTVS in Yokohama, Oct. 28-31 (2024).
Thoeni K, Hartmann P, Berglund T, and Servin M. Edge protection along haul roads in mines and quarries: A rigorous study based on full-scale testing and numerical modelling. Submitted manuscript (2024).
Servin M, Fälldin A, Häggström C, Höök C, Jönsson P, Lindroos O, Lundbäck M, Wallin E.
Open data, models, and software for machine automation. IUFRO 2024 - XXVI IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm (2024).
Fälldin A, Lundbäck M, Wallin E, Servin M.
Learning forwarder trafficability from real and synthetic data.
IUFRO 2024 - XXVI IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm (2024).
Wallin E, Lundbäck M, Fälldin A, Servin M. Towards autonomous forwarding using deep learning and simulation.
IUFRO 2024 - XXVI IUFRO World Congress, Stockholm (2024).
V. Wiberg. Terrain Machine Learning. PhD thesis. Department of Physics, Umeå University, Sweden, SE-901 87, Umeå, Sweden, May. 2023. diva-207982, [pdf]
M. Pogulis, and M. Servin. Particle and domain size scaling in terramechanical simulations . 9th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods - DEM9, Sep 17-21, Erlangen, Germany (2023). [pdf]
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